Tuesday, 29 January 2013


Modeling for magazine, video production, an artist or art class is much more complicated than it may seem. In addition to the obvious requirements of being able to offer what is required, there are many other requirements for successfully fulfilling the role that will enhance you as a model and give the edge over other models for the same job.

Steps to Becoming that Model
Step 1
Find places to work: Contact your local art school, college, advertising agency, musical studio or television stations to see if they are hiring models. You can also ask your modeling agency if they have any firm in need of models.
Step 2
Make a portfolio: If required by the institution, prepare a resume. Include any previous modeling experience, performances, art schooling, acting, dance, or other activity you have done which would benefit an artist model.
Step 3
Inquiry: Ask the person hiring you if there are any rules or guidelines that models must follow. Discuss payment on the job which can vary greatly but generally, I will recommend =N=10,000.00 and =N=25,000.00 (magazine photo shoot) for upcoming models with registered agency. Also discuss average length of poses, how many breaks, and does the artist or group use one pose or many different, varied poses attract more fees.

Plan for the session by thinking about poses:
Length Poses for figure drawing generally fall into three categories:
Gestures which are less than three minutes,
Short poses which are three to 20 minutes,
Long poses which are done for as long as necessary
Be Expressive - draw on any personal experience to think of poses that are interesting or inspiring. Any physical activity may be a source of good poses. Many models draw on the poses done in classical works of art, but these should only supply ideas, not be copied.
Put together a "modeling bag" including the following:
·        slippers/sandals
·        a date book and pen for booking future sessions
·        a timer - it's hard to look at a watch for many/most poses
·        drinking water and a lunch, or snacks if required
Before you leave for your session, shower and apply lotion so that you won't offend the artist with your body odour (lol) and will have nice smooth skin. Lotion also soothes dry skin which could otherwise cause you to scratch an itch while posing. Wear minimal jewellery unless otherwise requested.

Begin the Session
Upon arrival, you will be expected to change. A private change room will likely be provided or there may be a folding screen behind which you can change.
Step up onto the model's area and place your wrist watch where you will be able to view it or set your timer after consulting with the artist how long the session will last.
Follow the artist's direction. Keep your body and eyes very still. It is useful to fix your gaze on one spot; do not make eye contact with any artist. Relax into the pose, but not so much that you move from your original position.

Afterward the Session
When you are finished with your session, get dressed. Between sessions, put on your robe to keep your body warm. Don't walk around with the modeling outfit.
Have your date book and pen handy when you come out of the change room in case the artist would like to work with you again. It's also a good idea to have business cards to hand out to artists or media persons if you are doing modeling as your main job.

There is a chance that someone may request a photograph to use as a reference for completing a work outside of a job. This would be up to you and require an additional payment.

Private Sessions will be higher-paying; but bring the slight risk of sexual harassment or worse. Take as much care as you think necessary.
When responding to an advertisement, whether on the Internet or otherwise, find out as much as possible before accepting the job.
Cell phone cameras have emerged as another problem. Institutions may have rules against them but models must be vigilant.
For more inquiry contact SAINTCITY MODEL INNK 08032858545, 08039375851

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